Monday, July 26, 2010

The value of Americanized...

I am frequently get into the discussion of Americanized with Nicole Shih. We usually working on attack and defend, the most recent topic will try to circle on the fine American culture and bad, low life style, or even describe it as evil American culture.

Monday, June 28, 2010

American's poison

Nicole newly share her idea about marriage while she told me she was arguing with her friends (one White boy, one Asian Indian girl) about "Love is over rated in real life", I try to explain to her Love including responsibility and determination of making commitment to yourself and to your spouse/partner; in the meantime, fostering (not to use the words of teaching or educating to show the superiority status you have) and guiding your spouse be able to take responsibility in marriage and in life.

She now telling everyone about her idea of marriage like her wish wanted to become a billionaire, which she is going to make a lots of money then propose to a boy she likes. I asked her what if you did not make a lots of money and will you not get married?

Nicole always has weird idea about some issues.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nicole's talking tree.....

Nicole's unusual problems starting from her talking tree, then is her wish to became a billionaire during Junior High which attracted many of her friends asking her how to become a billionaire; then at school without knowing the answer, she would be very upset to complain her friends being mean to her.

Now the last weekend for preparing semester final test, she worked on download her French language practice software from Internet. Later on, I heard she was practice a unknown language with her laptop, gladly seeing her working hard to prepared her test.
Four hours later, I ask her what language she is practice on. She answered "Indian". I furiously jumped up from chair asking her is she going to have a final for this language? She said no and she has never learned this language. It took me one hour to shout at her and find out the reason of her frustrating with the fell of download, one of three other languages has been downloaded successfully is "Indian." The frustration of fell on downloading three languages which work took over 25 hours, make her decide to enjoy the only one is work. The quality of her peacefulness treating frustration amused me at same time.

Devil is always working harder than God.
God help me to help my daughter, and before I go crazy, please have my daughter be awaken to be strong by knowing what will be the best to work on her own life.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

12/31/2009 New Year Eve of 2010

The most economic way to spent the New Year Eve is walking free in the Union Square enjoy the Christmas feeling and the Holiday joy around the Macy's window decoration. Many years we enjoy Holiday this way when the father of Nicole Shih needs to work during Holiday season.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

12/31/ 2008 in Boston
Growing up in the Unites States, Nicole Shih as my daughter is expected to be a well manner, neat person in the appearance and mind. Dealing with any jealousy from those people, who do not born in and not intend to train themselves to be either having pleasant appearance and mind, is a task I always remind her to work on.
Nicole used to convince her father learn to love or at least like whomever he would need to spent long hour to be with. It is the smart, wise, and neat in mind that attract people around life, not the jealous mind make you to be attractive to anybody.

Politeness is one of success in American education as my observation. One day I was frustrated in community center for crowded space sharing problem without prior notice, so my frustration make me yelling (I would rather describe as my own word that is express my idea in loud voice due to frustration) at a young Chinese American staff who worked in the community center. For 10 miniatures, I still can not lower my volcanic emotion level down; that young man still did not rise his voice while try to explain the "community center policy" to a mid-age Chinese American woman with hair stood up.

Usually in this kind of case in a under-educated area would probably already fall into whatever Super-Mercy correction argument or group arguing or fight. The young man's politeness finally make me apologize to his innocence of his position.

This is good quality of American Education. All race in this country should pay attention to this quality, not adopt any form of super-mercy to correcting other race in this country.

Eyes on the Cake

Any public place in this white society always jam with acting groupe, giggling team, people who think they can act, king or queen of any race, correcting team member who specialized in charge correcting other people....

..enforced consuming activity and is always so crowded, busy and noisy in any public place of any where in this country.

So the most enjoyable memory belong to these quiet, simple, warm family gathering faking, no pretending, no acting, no boasting, no show off, no manipulating by authority......

Who is the 3 years old Nicole Shih ?

Each of the little girls here wearing used little dress a with

a simple intention and enjoy a simple happiness.

Almost every child will make birthday wish whenever they
attend a birthday party and see the cake. So, I always need
to remind Nicole she is not the birthday star of the day.

The answer is this. The birthday star that day is 4 years old, so Nicole is 3.

Monday, September 29, 2008

2008 Summer

2008 Summer Trip to Las Vegas

Las Vegas Bellagio Hotel Lobby glass floral ceiling and the musical fountain
water show are the must see during the trip.