Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the Exclusive Act to X American

One day I read an article that was written by one friend of Ms. Chow, who is currently the head of the department of Labor in the United States, which article revealed one way of thinking that amused me about the the issue of who is/are the group of American that being exclude by this system.

I perceived some of thoughts after I read this article and then write down what furious me so much to this page; however, fell to figure out what was I concerning about, I then kept this unsettled question in mute. The article was quoted as below.

"Ms. Chow is the oldest daughter in the family, she is always show the leadership on the way she grew up among friends.....She now turned to a young adult and always well-organized in coordinating all of events when church or school need her help.......She,in the mean time, was introduced to mainstream by Mr.XXXX........"

The writer is one of friends of Ms. Chow's mother, which means her age and the background of her life is belong to the generation of WWII. I am pondering one thoughts about the term usage inside the article stating "an Chinese American needs to be introduced to mainstream"; otherwise, there is no way any of Chinese American can be seen by this merit system to climb up the position Ms. Chow sit on today. Her position of today is being introduced to mainstream. Why there are people already inside the mainstream without any need to be introduced? Who are they?

For a long run, Chinese American is always being considered outside of this society or outside of this country; therefore, they need to be "introduced"to this society from outside. Supposedly, introducing or recommendation is conducted between different social groups. Who form the mainstream?

"Mainstream"---who representing mainstream? American? Who is American? I really don't know how long or how many generation that need to take for this definition to be clarified. I felt very sad and hate it so much about this Chinese American use the term that deep rooted in her thought, that she is considering herself is outside of American citizenship and need to be introduce to mainstream, and I do wish this group of Chinese Americans can be die out from this society quickly.

Will Chinese American still need to use the term of "an American need to be introduced to mainstream" after the generation of WWII like this old lady died out? Let us see.

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